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He is soooooo cute...

My wife and I were lying in bed the other night. We were discussing children's cartoon shows, as we are prone to doing. I mentioned how I kept getting Franklin, who is a turtle, and Arthur, who is a fuck knows what, confused. I think it is just the similarity in the names. Both seem to be the kind of names you give to a kid who you never really cared for, even from conception.

This led to a discussion about what exactly Arthur is. I have to be honest; I don't think I have ever watched a complete episode. Our daughter has a book that chronicles the tales of his little sister and her day in preschool. This book does nothing to shed light on the actual SPECIES that these things are, however.

My wife suggested that they may be gerbils. I reminded her that in the book, they have a pet gerbil in the preschool classroom. I say this like the book is some memorable piece of American literature. My favorite authors list out as Vonnegut, Kerouac, some weird gerbil thing, and Camus. Jesus.

Anyway, i think that it would be highly unlikely that a larger gerbil would have a small, albeit normal sized, gerbil as a pet. It would be like us keeping a midget in a little cage, with a little wheel to run on and a bottle to sip out of when he is thirsty...he really is a cute little guy. Don't put your finger in there! It scares him and he WILL bite!


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