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I hear there is a hole for that

While I try to avoid my high horse for most issues, mainly because it is incredibly high and I am prone to nosebleeds, I will make an exception about this epidemic of poorly informed consumers blasting a food ingredient of which they know nothing. That’s right; it’s about time someone came out in defense of High Fructose Corn Syrup!

Seriously, this appeal to the ignorant is about as thinly veiled as an infomercial problem. “If only I had a solution that would slice this cheese in half the time! I am tired of repeatedly throwing it at the ceiling fan! What a mess!”

“You like High Fructose Corn Syrup, huh? You must be worse than Hitler!”
“Why is that?”
“Ummm…uhhhh…cuz it’s made from Jews?

No! Apparently it is fine because it is made from corn. I’ll be damned! Next they’ll be telling me that corn bread is fine, because it is also made from corn. Well, corn bread mugged my Grandmother back in 1954! Where is your precious corn now!

I would like to see this specious reasoning put to other uses.

A couple walks down a dark alley. They are confronted by a man with a gun.

Mugger: Give me your purse and wallet now!

Man: You shouldn’t point that gun at people. That is really dangerous!

Mugger: Oh yeah? Why is that?

Man: Um…well…uhhh

Mugger: Because it is made from steel? It helps protect my country and it is safe when handled in a proper manner?

Man: Wow…I am worse than Hitler!


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