3 Chiclets and a spool of red thread
Half a peanut-butter sandwich and a Halls cough drop
A deflated soccer ball and a dime found on the ground
A compilation DVD of Shirley Temple movies and half a Gatorade
Blueprints to a dog house and a Yorkshire terrier
A small bag of confetti and a really good gazpacho recipe
One incomplete jigsaw puzzle and two pieces of a Kit-Kat bar
A nearly empty toothpaste tube and a broken piƱata
A tap dance from a hobo and three black checkers
A placemat from Denny's and four packets of Sweet N' Low
Half a peanut-butter sandwich and a Halls cough drop
A deflated soccer ball and a dime found on the ground
A compilation DVD of Shirley Temple movies and half a Gatorade
Blueprints to a dog house and a Yorkshire terrier
A small bag of confetti and a really good gazpacho recipe
One incomplete jigsaw puzzle and two pieces of a Kit-Kat bar
A nearly empty toothpaste tube and a broken piƱata
A tap dance from a hobo and three black checkers
A placemat from Denny's and four packets of Sweet N' Low