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Showing posts from 2008

Harping Holidays! (Guest Blog)

(Once again we are featuring a guest blogger. This time my accountant, George "The Finger" Pulowski would like to add his two cents on the holiday season. May your days be merry and your bells be jingled.) Hello all. Well, I have to say that I am honored to write the guest holiday blog. Christmas is just the type of holiday that stirs up strong feelings in all of us. (The people that matter anyway, you know who I'm talking about…and Mel Gibson does too.) After having gone through my annual rite of passage known as "Last Minute Panic Shopping", I feel that I am as qualified as most to talk about what this gift-giving season means to all of us. Getting gifts is nice; this I think is a safe assumption. Giving gifts is also nice, and expecting sex in return does not in any way make you a pervert or a "John" as my mother calls them. Nobody wants to be known as that guy who doesn't get stuff for people at Christmas. Face it, if you have made it to...

Toby Keith sucks something awful (archive post)

(Note: This is a little something from the archives. I am frightfully busy at the moment, but I hate to let this blog hang. Instead I will throw out some old, yet still fantastically hilarious material. Enjoy, rinse, repeat!) As I jumped in the car for a late night run for baby formula and bourbon, I flipped on the radio to find that it was on my wife's favorite station. The DJ greeted me with "here's the latest from Toby Keith called 'Get My Drink On'". Wow, that man is a modern day Mark Twain. I therefore have compiled a list of song titles I fully expect to be included on his next release. 1. Cousin' Fuckin' 2. Blinded By Your Love (And Moonshine) 3. Let's Pretend You Said Yes 4. Mamma Got Her GED 5. I Eat Squirrel! 6. I'm So American I Shit Eagles 7. Do You Still Have My Boot In Your Ass? (I Need It Back) 8. Drivin' My Truck (All Fucked Up) 9. I'm So Country That I'm Borderline Retarded. Apparently he is also starting a c...

Rejected campaign statements

In celebration of the upcoming election, here are some statements that probably were nixed by prudent campaign managers early on. Kiss your baby? I’ll kiss anything. Hell, I’ll kiss your dog…all over! No, I do not fart. I have never farted. My opponent farts quite a bit I hear. Not that I hear when he…next question please. I exist on a strict diet of veal and fetal pigs. …now, in my time, cock fighting was not technically illegal . When is Andy Gibb going to put out another album? That boy is talented! I feel that my urge to kill would be a tremendous asset in leading this country to victory over every other country in the world. I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and…uh…how did the rest of that crack head’s song go? …and that is why I believe my opponent is a witch.

Things you should not offer in exchange for sex

A doll baby covered in crushed pork rinds Half a can of Campbell’s condensed cream of mushroom soup and a dog whistle A bamboo back scratcher and a back issue of Car & Driver A Polaroid of your Grandmother and a Matchbox car A milk jug full of urine you found on the side of the road A piece of celery stuffed with goat cheese Finger cymbals and two saltines Anything described as “Fudgy” One ear of Indian corn and a balsa wood airplane Your eight-grade report card and 2 empty butane lighters A Culture Club cassette and an old pair of “Jams”

Thoughts about the car in front of me...and Glade

Seriously! Did you not see me coming? Jesus, there wasn’t even anyone behind me! Tell me you couldn’t have waited! Holy shit, what is that smell! Ugh. Is it my car? God, I hope not. Come on guy! Is this a parade? The little kids are looking at you because they expect you to throw out candy! Go faster! Seriously, what is that fucking smell? Not only do you have to cut me off and drive so slow you might go backwards at any second but your car smells like total ass! In fact, if I could hook up a hose from my nose to the crack of my ass I would right now. That would be Glade compared to this shit. Speaking of Glade, what is the deal with the lying woman in the new Glade advertisements? Is Glade not good enough? Why does she fucking buy Glade then? “Cheryl thanks for the soda. Is this Pepsi?” “Umm…no. It’s some very rare beverage from South Africa!” “Cheryl, I can see the bottle from here. It’s Pepsi” “Oh, that was from earlier. No, this is um…Africola.” “For Christ’s sake...

It would be unwise to exchange sex for the following:

3 Chiclets and a spool of red thread Half a peanut-butter sandwich and a Halls cough drop A deflated soccer ball and a dime found on the ground A compilation DVD of Shirley Temple movies and half a Gatorade Blueprints to a dog house and a Yorkshire terrier A small bag of confetti and a really good gazpacho recipe Funyuns One incomplete jigsaw puzzle and two pieces of a Kit-Kat bar A nearly empty toothpaste tube and a broken piñata A tap dance from a hobo and three black checkers A placemat from Denny's and four packets of Sweet N' Low

A conversation with Jesus, who is physically present and doesn’t say anything but sits there with this judgmental look on his face

Oh, hey Jesus. I didn’t see you sitting there. I was just finishing up this article before I head off to a party. I doubt that I will be very late though. I have to work in the morning so… What? Oh, I guess I should just stay home, huh? Because I will probably stay out way later than I plan and I will end up having someone drive me home and I won’t have my car for work in the morning. Yeah, I get it. Jesus, Jesus. Fine, I will just watch some TV. Oh cool, that new Knight Rider is on. I know, I hear it is stupid. I used to love the original when I was a kid. Hey, at least it’s entertaining right? Yeah, I suppose…I suppose I could see what else is on. Or, you know what, I think I will just turn off the TV altogether and check my email instead. Heh. I was just reading this think that my friend Terry sent me. He said that Lindsay Lohan…what? What? Fine! But it is really funny. Do you want to read it? Seriously, Jesus, this attitude is starting to get me down. Maybe you should go for a walk...

I have fallen from a plane

Hello there. Yes, I’m fine now. I admit that I spent the better part of the first thousand feet screaming like a prison rape victim, but I am really feeling a little better about this whole thing now. I’m not pleased by any means, don’t get me wrong. There comes a time, just after terminal velocity apparently, that you enter into a gradual acceptance of your situation. Oh, I’m sure I will begin freaking out like an idiot for the last few hundred feet. I have a feeling that will really bring it home for me, once I see the ground rushing towards me. How did I get here? Funny story actually. I had been sitting at the airport bar for a solid two hours prior to the flight, and I horribly misjudged the amount of time it would take to reach the gate prior to boarding time. So there I was, bladder full of what could formerly be called pale ale, rushing like an idiot with my two carry-ons toward the less than hospitable gate worker. By the time we had taxied and taken flight, my bladd...


In the interest of a balance view this election. I have decided that we should hear from an individual with disparate views from my own. Since the McCain-Palin campaign has been based upon what is best for the everyman, the “Joe Six-Pack” as it were, I thought it would be best if we heard from a true everyman. The following post comes courtesy of Jessie “Turd” Miller. We found Jessie screaming his political views at a television in the bar area of the Ritzy Titz Gentlemen’s Club, where we certainly do not frequent and they do NOT know us by name. Ok you liberal fucknuts. I got me six beers and six reasons why McCain is better than Hussein Obama. Hell, I got me six reasons why McCain is better than any man woman or child on the goddamn planet. Frankly, all this liberal bullshit has been making people not think of the stuff that is good about America. That is not a good thing, and I’m smart! I will drink a beer and give you a reason. That way I got a reason to drink a beer! He...

Spring Forward, Fall Down

As the weather turns colder and the leaves begin to lose their verdigris hue and take on the colors of the earth, and my wife’s blood circulation turns her extremities into icy instruments of torture when they contact my skin, we begin to enjoy one of our favorite seasons. We decided this year to do some searching and plot out some possible fall food festivals that the family could take in this year. We had kicked around the idea of checking out the Apple Cider Festival in Norton, Ohio late last month. It coincides with the annual Jesus Christ Where is the Bathroom Festival and it is immediately followed by the Search for Clean Underwear Festival at the local Wal-Mart. I suppose the same can be said for the annual Fiber festival in Allegan, Michigan. The main difference is that the fiber festival tends to end just after the eating contest, once the methane levels reach a toxic concentration. Virginia has a myriad of fall festivals. Most of these however, deal with the consumption...

Haiku Laid Man - Oh Yeah!!

I always hate this My butt itches very deeply Bring me a long stick At a funeral I take a break from mourning For shadow puppets That’s a banana The old lady won’t suspect Hidden in the bread “Wicked pisser, dude” Said the drunk Canadian Fucking Canada It’s for potatoes Yes, but the gravy is good Straight from the funnel Go get the car We need to leave right away That wasn’t a fart

Damn these pants!

I spent the entire day today feeling a bit uneasy. It wasn’t the election, though that is concerning. It wasn’t the economy, though that is monkey-shit crazy. No, it was something else entirely that was causing my feelings of creeping distress. My jeans were just a bit too short. That’s right. The entire day, as I walked or sat, I would notice that I just didn’t feel right. I was seeing more sock than usual, yes, but it wasn’t like I was wearing Capri pants or anything. Then, as I strolled by the mirrored reflection of the office elevator doors, it hit me. These jeans are just a bit too short. I tried the quick fix, pulling them down a bit lower, but I figured showing that much butt crack was probably worse than showing that much ankle. Especially since I’m a dude, no matter what the regretful decision of getting that “tramp stamp” tattoo may have you believe. I admit it; I used to drink quite a bit. How did this happen? When I tried them on in the store they weren’t this sho...

I hear there is a hole for that

While I try to avoid my high horse for most issues, mainly because it is incredibly high and I am prone to nosebleeds, I will make an exception about this epidemic of poorly informed consumers blasting a food ingredient of which they know nothing. That’s right; it’s about time someone came out in defense of High Fructose Corn Syrup! Seriously, this appeal to the ignorant is about as thinly veiled as an infomercial problem. “If only I had a solution that would slice this cheese in half the time! I am tired of repeatedly throwing it at the ceiling fan! What a mess!” “You like High Fructose Corn Syrup, huh? You must be worse than Hitler!” “Why is that?” “Ummm…uhhhh…cuz it’s made from Jews? No! Apparently it is fine because it is made from corn. I’ll be damned! Next they’ll be telling me that corn bread is fine, because it is also made from corn. Well, corn bread mugged my Grandmother back in 1954! Where is your precious corn now! I would like to see this specious reasoning put t...

It's a guest post! Boogie Oogie Oogie!

Guest Blog by Phil “Cage Fighter” Whiley (Since I have not been able to keep the strenuous pace of writing something every once in a while, I have passed off the blog duties to one of my casual acquaintances, at least until the penicillin does its job. It is kind of bittersweet, like the time you pimped out your sister to that Amish family. They sure can bake!) I really gotta tell ya, it has been a while since I set a hobo on fire. I mean, with gas prices at what they are, it is almost cheaper to try to find one already doused in some flammable liquid. Nope, I’m a saving that up for a special occasion. Really, once you get them aflame, whatever they have been drowning their miserable little lives in keeps them burning for about an hour or two. Sometimes I’ll throw in a kitten, but just because I like the smell. That’s not really what I wanted to write about here, but last weekend just got me thinking about it. I really wanted to talk about something that is near to my heart righ...

Open Letter of Apology

As part of the plea bargain, this letter is to serve as a heartfelt apology to anyone who may have been offended by my conduct during one fateful day this past week. There are several incidents that I would like to touch on in this letter, in no particular order. For those of you who were present or who have children who attend the Laughing Kangaroo Day-Care, I hope you understand that my actions on September 22nd were meant to be seen as entertaining and fun, not horrific and "an affront to God" as it has so been called. First of all, my song about the paraplegic hooker was meant to be seen as a parable which dealt with the challenges we all face as human beings and, more specifically, as pimps of paraplegic hookers. I fully intended this to be a learning experience for the kids and, in hindsight, the choreography was poorly thought out and lacked reverence to the topic. It was also my understanding that children enjoyed sing-alongs and that asking them to "stay on the ...

More Obvious Butt Jokes!

I am more of a man than I once was… I admit that I was a testosterone filled monkey man before but now I have the wisdom of the ages to add to my repertoire. Why? I have shopped at Crate & Barrel. It's true. I know that some of you are jealous, others curious, still others…incontinent, but there is a certain glow that attaches itself to your aura the minute you walk into that store. If it isn't something to be bragged about, I don't know what is (and it is possible that I truly don't know what is.) In all honesty, the only reason to go there, for me, is because it makes my wife so ridiculously happy. Home furnishings and storage solutions are her crack. Sometimes, to get her in the mood, I scatter copies of the latest Container Store flyers around like so much obvious porn. Thanks to my wife's organizational fetish, I can convince her to purchase most things simply by making some correlation with storage. See this ridiculously priced writing desk? You can...

He is soooooo cute...

My wife and I were lying in bed the other night. We were discussing children's cartoon shows, as we are prone to doing. I mentioned how I kept getting Franklin, who is a turtle, and Arthur, who is a fuck knows what, confused. I think it is just the similarity in the names. Both seem to be the kind of names you give to a kid who you never really cared for, even from conception. This led to a discussion about what exactly Arthur is. I have to be honest; I don't think I have ever watched a complete episode. Our daughter has a book that chronicles the tales of his little sister and her day in preschool. This book does nothing to shed light on the actual SPECIES that these things are, however. My wife suggested that they may be gerbils. I reminded her that in the book, they have a pet gerbil in the preschool classroom. I say this like the book is some memorable piece of American literature. My favorite authors list out as Vonnegut, Kerouac, some weird gerbil thing, and Camus. Jesus....

I'm Old and I Like Gum!

There comes a time in every man's life when he realizes his own mortality. There also comes a time, almost in the same exact instance of the former, that a man has some sort of nonsensical nostalgia for a cherished item or brand from his childhood. This happened to me recently. "Jim" I said to myself, because I know myself pretty well, I dispense with formalities."Jim" I say again…twice actually, "you are starting to get to the age where you not a young kid anymore". "Hey everybody, look at the old senile guy talking to himself" I hear from across the street. I should go back inside. At that same moment of realization it dawned on me; I needed some Fruit Stripe gum. For the record, no one actually needs Fruit Stripe gum, unless you are racked with some serious affliction which requires that you consume a stick of chewing gum with a mean time flavor duration of three nanoseconds every two minutes until the entire pack is gone. It is the polar ...